My Go-To Hair Products


Hello lovelies!

I feel like more recently I’ve actually got a bit more interested in hair stuff, as in I actually care for my hair a bit more! My hair is (kind of) quite longish, and in the last few months I’ve loved using different products on it and finding the best ones for my hair. So, without further ado, I hope you enjoy reading about my go-to hair products!



I’m not gonna lie, I’ve never really cared about what I wash my hair with for the last, umm, 14 years of my life, and I’ve literally just used my dad’s shampoo *I KNOW, ITS AWFUL BUT IT SMELLS NICE* However, since I’ve got a bit more into the blogosphere I’ve realised that what you wash your hair with does actually affect how it feels after you’ve washed it! Lately I’ve been loving the PANTENE (…) SHAMPOO AND PANTENE (…) CONDITIONER as my hair is naturally quite frizzy if I leave it to dry, whereas if I use these it dries SOO smooth and soft and *AHH* just lovely. So yes, love love loving Pantene at the moment ❤️



Styling mousse is actually something I’ve only recently discovered, but I love using it before blow drying or plaiting my hair to keep it nice and straight or curly the next day or whatnot. I use the TRESEMMÈ SALON FINISH STYLING MOUSSE (which is technically my mum’s), and squirt a bit onto one of those hairbrushes with spikes all the way around *sorry I can’t remember what they are called*, before brushing it through my hair. Not gonna lie, my favourite part of using this is how it poofs up after you squirt it out, kinda like men’s shaving foam I guess haha! Anyways, using this before blow drying or plaiting my hair in an evening makes it stay nice the next few days which is handy.



Most of the time I French plait or twist braid my hair before I go to sleep, so that the next day it is really pretty and curly and I don’t damage it by using too much heat. However, now and then I like to blow dry/straighten/curl my hair and I find that heat protectant works like a gem in making sure it doesn’t get too damaged *because split ends are super yucky*. When blow drying my hair I like to use the VO5 HEAT PROTECT STYLING SPRAY, as it gives the roots of my hair lots of volume (because the top of my hair can sometimes seem a little flat on my head if that makes sense). I use this by squirting it all over my hair (particularly in the roots) and brushing it through, before blow drying my hair from roots to tips (a tip I only learnt from reading the back of the bottle haha). I also own the TRESEMMÈ KERATIN SMOOTH HEAT PROTECTION  SHINE SPRAY, which I like using for when I curl or straighten my hair, as it makes my hair nice and shiny and glossy looking. I really couldn’t choose between these two as they both help to protect my hair and make it look and feel different so I’ve just thrown both of them in!



Again, hairspray is one of those things I have only recently started using but it is honestly so helpful at helping your curls to stay in or keeping a bun or braids in place or whatnot! I use the TRESEMMÈ SALON FINISH HAIRSPRAY and have been loving that recently as it hold really well and also smells nice (always a bonus!)


Probably one of my favourite hair products of all time is the BATISTE FLORAL AND FLIRTY DRY SHAMPOO, as it is literally a life saver! In a few quick sprays my hair can go from disgustingly greasy (although I normally only use it when my hair is getting a bit dodge) to beautifully clean looking, which is perfect when you don’t have enough time to have a shower or your hair isn’t really bad enough to need washing but is still a little greasy. It is also helpful after PE at school when my hair is *a little* sweaty, or for adding extra volume to my roots when my hair is clean. This is the only dry shampoo I’ve actually tried so I can’t say it is the best one out there, but it does work really well and also smells lovely and florally! 🌼🌷🌸

Over To You…
Do you own any of these products? What do you think of them? What are your go-to hair products? Can you remember what those hair brushes with spike all the way round are called (haha)?

Lots of love,

Graciellen xx

18 thoughts on “My Go-To Hair Products

  1. Yes, caring for your hair is so important and I don’t really do much to my hair. :/ I also use Pantene and I think it it really good. When I blow dry my hair ( which is often ) I use Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair and although it is quite old I think it works really well. And hairspray…well…I’m a dancer so you need hairspray to keep your hair in place but I do use it one normal days sometimes as well. I use L’oreal Paris Supreme Hold and also the Extra Stength ( Cares and Nourishes ) one too. Sometimes I use V05 Ultimate Hold. For ballet buns I always use the L’oreal Paris Sculpting Spritz and it keeps my bun in place so well! 🙂
    Oh and lovely post! You’re an amazing blogger! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hiya lovely! Thank you for your super nice comment 🙂 of course, I completely forgot about how much hairspray you must have to use for dancing haha! All of these products sound lovely as well, I’d love to own more ❤️ awh thank you so much, that’s so sweet of you! xx


    1. Ooh that sounds lovely! I often get it where my hair feels a bit dry so…might have to get someof that soon! And oh my days, I swear products get 100% better when they smell nice haha!! Thank you so much girlie ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Seriously don’t worry twin! I’ve never been one for hair care either, it always seems like way too much effort haha! And if you never use heat then wow it must be in such good condition! ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t have twitter but I saw on twitter that you might be going to a Christmas Market in Germany with your school! That is super awesome! 🙂 If you go I hope you have an amazing time and I’m sure you will!
    Also I saw that there won’t be a post today (which is sad haha) but I totally understand even though I haven’t experienced such high level of stress really that much at school yet as I’m younger than you. I hope the stress level calms down a bit eventually but keep focused on your work as I’m sure you will be one to make outstanding achievements in school xx And remember, excellence is an attitude to be able to achieve things so take on a positive attitude to your study and you will go far 🙂 x
    Lots of love

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hiya lovely! I’m so sorry for such a late reply! Thank you so much for your comment, it was so kind and sweet 🙂 Yes I am super excited about going to a Christmas market in Germany, I hope I get to go! Thank you so much for that lovely little of inspiration, it’s so helpful! Lots of love 💗xx


  3. I never really think about what I am putting in my hair, probabably because I am TERRIBLE at hairstyles, so I usually just wash it and comb it if I’m feeling fancy. But this was such a helpful blogpost and I really enjoyed reading it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading it! Aw haha, I’m pretty rubbish at hair thingys too in all honesty! It’s nice to use a bit of nice smelling products or things that make my hair soft though from time to time haha xx


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